No Survival Without Peace hybrid event at the auditorium of The Finnish Labour Museum Werstas in Tampere and on Zoom at the weekend of 19th & 20th November 2022. Simultaneous interpretation Finnish-English-Finnish is available on Zoom. If you are participating on site and need interpretation, bring your technical device (smartphone, tablet or computer) and your own headphones, so you can join Zoom and follow the interpretation through headphones.
Zoom link for participating online:
Changes to the program may occur.
Saturday 19th November - All times in Finnish time (UTC+2)
12.00-12.15 Opening, welcome
12.15-13.00 The need of cooperation for peace and environment
• Sean Conner, Executive Director of International Peace Bureau
• Conny Hildebrandt, Co-President of transform! europe Network
As moderator Jiri Mäntysalo, Education and Communication Secretary of Democratic Civic Association
13.00-14.00 The situation and perspectives of movements in Europe
• Alexander Belik, antimilitarist and anti-war activist
As moderator Petra Packalén, Editor-in-Chief of Tiedonantaja newspaper
14.00-15.00 Lunch break
15.00-16.30 How to strengthen work for environment and peace locally? / Speeches (30 min) ja workshops (1 h)
• In an interview Anni Kytömäki, Author
• Speaker: Laura Lodenius, Executive Director of Peace Union of Finland
As moderator Jiri Mäntysalo, Education and Communication Secretary of Democratic Civic Association
After speeches, about an hour workshops.
16.30-17.00 Coffee break - You can buy coffee, tea and little sweets at coffee breaks in Werstas (2 € per cup)
17.00-17.30 Processing of workshop discussions and debate
17.30-18.00 End of the day, summary
Sunday 20th November - All times in Finnish time (UTC+2)
12.00-12.15 Opening, welcome
12.15-13.00 How can we get more people involved in the work for the planet and peace? / Workshops
13.00-14.00 International perspectives of work for environment and peace
In panel debate:
• Beatriz Parra González, Ambassador of Cuba in Finland
• Reiner Braun, International Peace Bureau
• Kati Juva, City Councillor in Helsinki
As moderator Petra Packalén, Editor-in-Chief of Tiedonantaja newspaper
14.00-15.00 Lunch break
15.00-16.30 What do actions to save the planet mean for people's lives and everyday life?
In panel debate:
• Didem Aydurmuş, European Left's Environmental Working Group's member
• Elina Mikola, Environment and Climate Expert of Amnesty Finland
• Liisa Taskinen, Chairperson of Communist Party of Finland
As moderator Mervi Grönfors, Nanny and Trade Unionist
16.30-17.00 Coffee break - You can buy coffee, tea and little sweets at coffee breaks in Werstas (2 € per cup)
17.00-17.30 'Action invitation of an activist' (10 min), processing of workshop discussions and debate (20 min)
• As a speaker Activist from Extinction Rebellion Finland Jeremias Lahtinen
17.30-18.00 End of the event, summary